Course designed for
Anyone evaluating a collaborator.
- 1 day
How do you give effective presentations, even remotely?
The COVID crisis has forced us to multiply the number of remote presentations. How can we ensure that these presentations are adapted to the audience and that the key messages are clear? This is what we propose to consider in this course.
- Sub-group workshop on the pitfalls and difficulties of online evaluation. What are the differences between online and face-to-face interviews?
- Individual work: writing the invitation to the virtual interview
- Case study on a typical interview or interview role play (if possible)
- A remote performance evaluation interview: differences and similarities with the face-to-face interview
- Preparing for a remote interview:
+ Preparing in advance and ask the other person to prepare (even if virtual)
+ Communicating the format in advance length, technical and ergonomic advice for the interview (time, light, isolation, etc.).
+ Preparing a visual support: sharing the objectives on screen in PPT
- Conducting the interview
+ Reminder of the rules of operation
+ Using communication techniques adapted to
the virtual world:
+ Giving factual and clear feedback
- Concluding the interview
+ Recapping
+ Filling in the form
+ Concluding with an informal discussion as you would in a classroom setting to revive the human aspect of the interview